sixth book of 2024: “How Infrastructure Works: Inside the systems that shape our world.”, by Deb Chachra (

I feel like more than a few people I follow posted about this over the past year so I eventually followed suit. More memoir (again!) than I’m normally into but just enough history, novelty, and new-to-me theory to be pretty good after all.

The hardback cover of “How Infrastructure Works: Inside the systems that shape our world.”, by Deb Chachra, as I read it. White Helvetica-lookin’ title, subtitle, and author name in equal large sizes and weights over black asphalt spray painted with circles and arrows in orange, pink, and yellow. That infrastructure / utility workers paint the ground in specific colors in the U.S. is actually detailed in the book, so this is one of those rare cases where the cover artist read the book and wasn’t overruled by the publisher to do some other stupid thing instead. Huzzah!