blah blah blah “kindly" blah blah blah

your foster parents are dead, lets go

a screenshot from Terminator 2 of the T100 on the left and a young John Connor on the right. The T100 is on a pay phone talking to the T1000 at John Connor’s house, tricking the T1000 into admitting that it is not actually John’s foster-parent by asking after John’s dog but using the wrong name for itTERMINATOR           (in John's voice)      I'm right here.  I'm fine.           (to John, a whisper)      What's the dog's name?                 JOHNMax.Terminator nods. Speaks into the phone.TERMINATORHey, Janelle, what's wrong with Wolfy? I can      hear him barking.  Is he okay?                 JANELLE           (filtered)      Wolfy's fine, honey.  Where are you?Terminator unceremoniously hangs up the phone.Turns to John.TERMINATORYour foster parents are dead. Let's go.Terminator heads for the bike. John, shocked, stares after him.[pushing up glasses] This scene gets a lot of meme time but it’s also pretty funny because you would think the dumb ol’ T1000 would have been loaded with a pretty extensive dossier on John Connor that included the dog’s name.