anyway, so bogomil, probably had the usual baggage, but I bet this specific bit didn’t work out too well for them
![wikipedia screenshot, text:Doctrine [edit ]оучать же свою си не повиновати са властелемь своимь; хоулаще богатым, царьненавидать, рягажть са старбишинамь, оукарніть болары, мрьзькы богоу мьнатьработа жщаю цьсарю, и вьсакомоу рабоу не велать работати господиноу свомоу.ucetu je soja si ne povinovati se vlastelem svoim; xuleste bogatyie, cari nenavidet, regajot sẹ stareisinamum, ukarjajot boljary, mriziky bogu minetu rabotajosteje cesarju, i visjakomu rabu ne veleti rabotati gospodinu svojemu.They teach their followers not to obey their masters; they scorn the rich, they hate the Tsars, they ridicule their superiors, they reproach the boyars, they believe that God looks in horror on those who labour for the Tsar, and advise every serf not to work for his master. 32]- Cosmas the Priest, Treatise Against the Bogomils](/images/113448223430456892.png)