Clarkesworld Issue 217 ( was pretty solid all around. I think I left 216 in a hotel room (d’oh!), so I’m going back to finish the last two stories of 215 and then I’ll check out 216 on the web.

I particularly liked "Midnight Patron” by Mike Robinson (

The cover of Clarkesworld issue 217, a ship that looks like a cross between Sputnik and a junk fly over a body of water banked by cliffs on either side over a sepia nebulae filled star field finishing instruction at Art Center, Robert Watts spent the next decade in aerospace where he was exposed to, and rendered, many secret and wildly advanced concepts. This period was followed by a movement into the much broader field of general illustration and storytelling assignments. His career has included the broadest range of styles, media and subject matter imaginable. Most notable among all these has been a deep love of fictional adventure, from Jules Verne to Larry Niven. The story has always been key, be it Nemos’ submarine Nautilus, or the saga of the Ring World. The search goes on into the worlds we only dream of seeing.