
our third orchid bloom finally got some sun and opened up but it’s facing the wrong way, this is a photo of the two facing right out into the room looking pretty while the smaller third one is facing mostly to the right and away in the distance

a photo of the reverse side of the previous one, the new bloom is facing down and to the right in profile, the two bigger older siblings are up and to the left in side-view, behind are a red/green prayer plant, a very healthy fiddle plant, and in the distance, a wall of books

a grab of the final two drawings on the final line of the “calvin’s dad tries to get calvin to sit for a portrait in a dress shirt and tie with his hair combed” - on the left is the last picture, where calvin has turned away from the camera just before the shutter was pressed, on the right cavlin’s parents are looking at the photosDad: “WE CANT SENDTHESE IN OURCHRISTMASCARDS. PEOPLEWILL THINK IT'SSACRILEGIOUS.”Mom: “WELL, THESEDO LOOKLIKE CALVIN.. EXCEPTFOR THECOMBEDHAIR.”