Ubik, the fortune fileThe text ads on facebook and google make me think of ubik, and with the power of greasemonkey, it’s possible to actually make them all for ubiq - so many use proper nouns that it should be a simple regex.23 Dec 2008 , 3 min read
SimplepediaI integrated two existing greasemonkey user scripts for wikipedia, and added lots of element { display: none; }‘s to the style sheet, and ended up with a userscript I’m calling Simplepedia:22 Dec 2008 , 1 min read
Plato on the written wordI’ve been reading McLuhan a lot lately trying to figure out what effects media shifts have on culture. As parts of the modern world walk away from picturesque media, turning to this new dynamic variant of the written word (my theory, not his), we can look back to previous media shifts for potential effects, transition signs, and so on.4 Dec 2008 , 2 min read
How I almost got myself killedI almost got myself killed once and have never written how.2 Dec 2008 , 7 min read
Body LanguageIn my class tonight, the professor lectured about communications. When she got to the bit about body language and oh if you cross your arms like so, it is communicating that you are closed off, one of my classmates pointed out that many of the theories of body language are based on bad research from the 1960’s and 70’s, pop psychology, and folk wisdom.25 Nov 2008 , 3 min read
Outlook Zen KoansOutlook error messages must be Zen Kōans. There simply isn’t a rational explanation for a mature product to be so full of useless, annoying alerts.24 Nov 2008 , 4 min read
Ambiguously HyperbolicLanguage shift is unavoidable, and passing fads of cultural catch phrases and idioms are to be enjoyed. Word’s meanings shift, begin to lose force, take on secondary contrary meanings, and eventually come to mean something wholly different. Idioms that become popular in one field may cross to join the confusing jargon of business analysis, or of political discourse, or of art, and so on.17 Nov 2008 , 3 min read
Dark Side of the Town HallFor the second Presidential Debate of the 2008 Obama / McCain presidential race, I tried an old psychedelic expirament: synchronization with Pink Floyd’s Dark Side of the Moon. It worked better than I expected, and I microblogged the entire experience.16 Nov 2008 , 3 min read
A failed analogy to stock market shorting practicesFor Halloween I borrowed some candy from a neighbor. See, I was counting on nobody liking the candy by the end of the night, so by borrowing it instead of wearing a great costume and earning it up front, I was going to make out like a bandit. I didn’t even say trick or treat to my neighbor!4 Nov 2008 , 2 min read
On C.S. LewisQuotation collections are history’s microblogs. C.S. Lewis’s microblog of apologetic missives is very popular amongst Christians, but we’ve substituted every proper noun with Folgers Crystals, lets see if he makes more sense…1 Nov 2008 , 1 min read