“He said, ‘We can’t give it to you’,” Mr. Kennedy said, describing an encounter with an airline agent to the rapt audience. " ‘You can’t buy a ticket to go on the airline to Boston.’ I said, ‘Well, why not?’ He said, ‘We can’t tell you.’ "
“Tried to get on a plane back to Washington,” Mr. Kennedy continued. ‘’ ‘You can’t get on the plane.’ I went up to the desk and said, ‘I’ve been getting on this plane, you know, for 42 years. Why can’t I get on the plane?’ "
The hearing room erupted in laughter.
OOoooOOOooOOOoooooh you waskawy tewwawist flag in the database!!
…Mr. Kennedy emphasized his concern for passengers stuck on no-fly lists. But he tried to make light of his own troubles.
He said, to much laughter, that he did not believe the mistake was a conspiracy engineered by his Republican colleagues. And as Mr. Hutchinson offered up his apologies, Senator Orrin G. Hatch, Republican of Utah, responded jokingly in kind.
Mr. Hutchinson said, “Senator, we do regret that inconvenience to you.”
Mr. Hatch said, “Quit smiling when you say that.”