Challenge Club - A Briefe Description of the Notorious Life of Challenge Club Together With Their Ignominious Death

, 1 min read

Challenge Club’s CD, A Briefe Description of the Notorious Life of Challenge Club Together With Their Ignominious Death, made the city paper. The reviewer wasted the first paragraph knocking common groups that people hate on like a high school sophomore - gotta love art critics - then moved to describe the subject at hand. Given that a debut CD out for this long is almost 100% promotional and not a cash cow, I think they should Creative Commons it on their website so that I could provide a few links here to tracks. Alas…

UPDATE: Challenge Club is using to distribute their cd, I picked up one for $8 before they sold out, it seems. Cdbaby will take your e-mail address and e-mail you when they get more in stock. Be sure to check out the half-track, low-bitrate, very poorly tagged mp3 samples of the cd - I much prefer the last four songs to the first four but I am of course biased having lived with one of the guitar players and shared a room with the bass players for over two years in college.

UPDATE 2: Got my cd today :dance: