Ever really need new computer at the office?
Did you document how often the six year old piece of crap you are forced to use at the office crashes?
I mean really document it.
Like, every single crash.
Sometimes you have to have patience.
For a while, I was driving to a nasty client pretty regularly in DuPont (not the above pictured at all) who had thrown out multiple other techs, and literally slammed doors in my face before because AOL wasn’t working for her. I saved every single parking garage windshield number that I got when going there and had them hanging in my cubicle. I felt like they were hash marks just under the canopy of my fighter jet or something:
Like this:
I’m talking confirmed-kills here. Like this:
Take that printer-not-working! Bomb’s away downed-Verizon-line! Computer that doesn’t work but is really just asleep? I have your number!
So yeah, it got silly. I started keeping parking and valet tags from other places and hanging them as well. Sure, they might not be confirmed-kills but it made the signs on my metaphorical fighter look hardcore. That lasted for a few months at most. I’m over it.
I lack discipline.
Floor to ceiling. The man has since gotten a new machine. The list is gone. It has not been replaced.
I wanted to frame it as a reminder of whatever artistic deconstructionist metaphor that one feels like making of it, because it can be interpreted so many ways, but it was likely just trashed.
Or he framed it.
Before I got my current job, I was temping answering phones. Literally, the receptionist / typist / data entry monkey at an auto-loan subsidiary of Ford. Every car-salesman’s name and dealership that called was noted on a half-sheet pad before I put him on hold or attempted to transfer him/her, in blue ball-point. After transfered, I’d cross out the name and dealership in red ball-point. I kept it orderly, but not names in a row, just ever line is more or less parallel.
No, of course my system wasn’t that refined on my first day. I started it on nearly the last week of my placement there. I have four of these five-year-old sheets, saved for framing. Should make for quite the conversation piece eh?