
I feel like I bring more effort to trying to get into stuff for the first time when I’ve gotten assurances from someone whose opinions I repsect that it’s worth it. “I like this stuff, mabe you will too.”

This is the stuff I say that about.



I have been trying to post what I read to my BookWyrm for a few years but I’m a completionist and will pre-order when it comes to these authors (why link to Auster, Dick, Le Guin, King, Vonnegut, etc who I also enjoy?) so they get a special link section.

Patreon posters

Video stream and VOD posters

Apps and services



Music streams


Or Bloggers, and Magazines, and stuff like that?

My webring

A bunch of people I shoot the shit with from time to time, that I internet-know, and some real pals I like, actually go get dinner with also have old sites like this one. Good for us.