Further googling for stavely
stavely site:en.wikipedia.org reveals this from the article on the Mean Center of US Population:
In the first census, 1790, the mean population center was located a little under 8 miles (13 km) west, and slightly north, of Chestertown, Maryland, a few feet from a small branch of the Chesapeake Bay called Stavely Pond. Oddly enough, the spot is on the “Great Oak Mannour” property patented to Josiah Fendall in the mid-1600s, one of Kent County’s oldest and largest land grants. The patent was for 2000 acres (8 km²). Fendall was an early governor of the colony.
Very interesting. The branch of the Stavely family from which I am descended was in PA by then I think but had cousins in Baltimore and I assume the eastern shore near there. Hooray worthless trivia.