Haunted Armoire

I love craigslist.

(not my craigslist posting, no idea who posted it)

My wife and I found an armoire in an alley behind our church last weekend. Being an antique lover, she immediately fell for it. It is from the late 19th century (she thinks), with intricately carved designs and six shelves. It’s made of walnut (that’s what she said). One of our friends said that it is extremely rare and we could sell it for several thousands.

We were going to keep it but we now think the armoire is haunted. My wife found a message carved under one of the shelves about a pox and there’s a giant pentagram carved on the very bottom (out of view and doesn’t affect the overall look) with a bunch of latin words. Also, when we first got it, there were some red stains on the bottom shelf, but my wife cleaned them because she thought they were Kool-Aid or some sort of juice.

Ever since we brought it into our house, she’s been really scared at night. One time, our lamp fell over (I think it was because of the wind) and our daughter came down with a little cold, but that’s all. She thinks we need to give it away to someone who can either deal with the “curse” or can make it holy again. I just wish I could keep it (because it is truly beautiful), but she won’t let me.

Free to anyone who can come pick it up. I’ll also take a six pack if you got that.