From Phil:
This is your last reminder.
Friday night. Jan 21st. 10pm
The Sons of Buford, The Ostrogoths and a few of the side projects that Nate Lohrmann (the impending marriage of whom we are celebrating) has been involved with (including, but not limited to Phil Turner and the Bunsen Burners and Bananas and Turds)will be appearing at the Talking Head.
Admission is about 7 bucks.
This is not something to consider missing. Even if you are actively in a coma, find a way to make it. This may be the last hurrah for any and all of the above groups.
Also, J Roddy Walston and the Buisness, one of the best bands I’ve seen in a loooong time will be closing the show. So stick around even after the Ostrogoths and 17 Forever.
Directions to the club: Take 95 to 395 Right on Conway. Left on Light. Stay left and go through the light onto Calvert St. Take Calvert until the road splits. Stay Right. Turn Right on Lexington. Your very first left, which looks like an alley, is Davis St. The club wil be on the left.