Powerbook Burnout
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I’ve managed to burn out the logic board. I bought it in November 0f 03. It’s been on nearly the entire time since. A few months back my normal 20 day uptimes were reducing to days interrupted by crashes and black screens. After a crash last week it was extremely sluggish. I checked how much ram was detected - 256MB, just the stock stick.
I immediately assumed the ram had died and had a 1GB stick over nighted to my office. I put it in the bottom slot, the 256 back in the top slot (they are stacked) and booted to find that it didn’t detect the brand new Crucial ram. Even more strange is that the Apple boot chime did not chime. It booted silently. I put the 256 in the bottom and left out the 1GB and booted. BOOP BOOP BOOP < - leave it to Apple to have a pleasant post-error beep, nice and low, not shrill at all. I [researched, googled, and read up on the boops. Three boops indicates a bad memory bank. That sounded right to me considering the testing I’d already done.
Last night I called Apple support, explained to Josh (one of many I assume) what I’d done to test and isolate the problem. He said something to the effect of “you’ve done everything I would have had you do, lets set up a warranty repair service under your AppleCare Protection Plan.” Good answer. A DHL box should be at my office today or tomorrow, I’ll send it in over the weekend and have it back next week with a new motherboard logicgboard and hopefully have a stable machine once again.
Oh, and my iPod is broken too. I know rite? :woz: