Quasilateral Info

My original intention with the creation of this site was that it be a forum for my computer graphics portfolio. Since that initial impulse, my ideas for the pages have progressed immensly and I’m already considering a complete revamp after less than a month online.

From the beginning I had only the most rudimentary knowledge of HTML coding so I started with wysiwyg editors like Symnatec’s Visual Page (shareware) and Microsoft Front Page Express (freeware). After delving deeper and deeper into web page building, I became disillusioned with these weak word processors and downloaded Hot Dog Pro 5 from Sausage Software (30-day trial version). I have been very impressed with this software and used it to work with all of the fonts, javascripts, and tricky HTML.

Credit must be given to Developer.com, Javascripts.com, and Sausage’s tips page, where I learned enough of the fancier codes to break away from a total cookie cutter design. These are great sites and everyone should check them out…

The graphics on this page are all original and were created/edited in a variety of programs. The purple cubes began life in 3DStudio and were then moved through Photoshop. Some images saw time in Paintshop Pro but for the most part, Adobe won the day…Conceptual assistance came from a long time friend of mine; Eric Leivo, who is a phenomenal artist. The main theme of the page revovles around that concept of rotated/lofted shapes producing 3d forms. This is something that has been in the back of my mind since my fist experience with the 2d lofter in 3dStudio R2.

Unfortunately, my PC has been innoperative for the past two weeks. With the hard drive failing and the system getting slower and slower with ever boot, I’m beginning to truly hate Windows. After I get solve my hard drive configuration error that crashes Norton Disk Doctor and Speeddisk (along with Microsoft’s comparable progs) I plan on partitioning the drive and installing Linux.