rant restrained.

, 2 min read

grant: why do i have this strange notion that I need to write long e-mail messages thinking anyone will read it?
Ben: i’ve absolutely no freaking idea
grant: does it kill people and make them put me in their spam filter rules?
Ben: i plead the fifth

grant: about to send a stupid message
grant: stop me
grant: now’s your chance
Ben: its lame dont bother
Ben: you just look like an opinionated hippie w/ that haircut and your proving it
grant: there ya go
Ben: going limp
Ben: do you want everyone to think your a damn zealot? cmon man THINK
grant: so if i get a haircut I can start ranting again?
grant: i’ll just send it to you
Ben: no. because then your a hypocrit
grant: hrmm. how so?
Ben: your pretending to be someone you arent!
grant: this sounds like a total trap
Ben: hmm it could be
grant: when? now or if I got a haircut
Ben: hahaha your jedi mind tricks do not work on me
grant: I’m so confused
Ben: you know how jacks boss was pissed when jack kept sending lil hiaku’s to everyone in the company? SAME THING
Ben: (everything i’ve learned from life i’ve learned from hollywood)

worker bees can leave
even drones can fly away
the queen is their slave

Ben: well at least your not leaving linux sourcecode in the copy machine