Religion rant

What a lot of us non believers keep to ourselves: SomethingAwful attacks religion and the state - it doesn’t even seem to get to ranty or over the top until nearly 2/3 of the way down when the funny starts.

For those of you thinking this Under God rah-rah is a right wing trick, think again. Furious googling has failed to turn up anything but of a lot of partisan ranting but I’ve heard it convincingly argued on C-Span (haha) using statistics on a four-year basis comparing Bush and Clinton and Bush I and Reagan and so on that mentioning the big G, having a prayer at the end of a speach, or some other similar theist hoo-hah, while slightly on the rise since the 70’s has not statistically differed from president to president, party to party.

fine print: The point at which I care isn’t when God is mentioned, appeal to the masses all you want, just keep your Creationism out of the public schools, keep the ten commandments out of court houses, allow prayer in school but don’t mandate it or the Pledge of Allegiance, and so on.