Science :(

Will you look at what these assholes in Kansas are up to: Take pages from both L Ron Hubbard scientific-vocabulary-abuse and Jack Chick tract writing and set up a string of logical fallacy’s that fail to actually support or even lead to a conclusion at all, then state the ridiculous assumption from which the whole mess was inversely deducted.

Lets try:

Brain Structures (BS) posits that where science has failed to determine, using Magnetic Resonance Imaging any specific part of the brain or any other organ responsible for causing a majority of people when surveyed to profess a belief in a God, there is in fact an answer. Where science discards evidence that such a structure must exist to explain the existance of atheists, polytheists, and so on; BS has an answer. Using simple hyperpolar magnets, X-Ray imaging and BS-specific application of the scientific method the hypothalamus, a structure clearly linked the very brain and believed to be important both by the ancient egyptians and the native americans is responsible for this lack of faith.

Oh dear, this is too easy.

Bolded text highlighting confusing terminology: Check Un-cited data: Check Scientific devices: Check Devices too advanced for science: Check Ancient peoples: Check

Before my head explodes, check out this quote as linked at ars that the AP snagged:

As a State Board of Education subcommittee heard more testimony Friday on how evolution should be taught in Kansas classrooms, one member acknowledged that she hadn’t read all of an evolution-friendly draft of science standards proposed by educators.

Kathy Martin of Clay Center made the comment while attempting to reassure a witness who said he hadn’t read the entire proposal, just parts of it. Russell Carlson, a biochemistry and molecular biology professor at the University of Georgia, said he had reviewed an alternate proposal from intelligent design advocates.

“I’ve not read it word for word myself,” Martin said of the other proposal, eliciting groans of disbelief from a few members of the audience.

These jokers are pandering to the apathetic majority by even keeping evolution in the books.