Strange Angel

Curse you, Amazon one-click used book purchases!

I just finished the boingboing-recommended Strange Angel. Get in line to borrow my copy or go buy your own - the story of the life of a pioneer in rocket science, devout Alleister Crowely follower, founder of what became the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, and victim of L Ron Hubbard’s pre-scientology swindles is nearly beyond words.

Now on to the next damned Amazon $4 like-new purchase: House of Leaves, this time on a recommendation from some stranger on the Primer forums (go see that movie). Just flipping through, these aren’t Vonnegut drawing * assholes every once in a while wierd, this is blank pages, blocks of 18pt serif in the middle of mirror reverse italic 10pt serif text followed by pages with single words off-center, color frequently used, diagonal sections followed by 30 pages of Courier with no margins. I just hope it’s not all gimmick.