The popular college vote
Aziz: we might actually start having a democracy Aziz: :) Aziz: read away Aziz: Grant: ¡viva la republic! Aziz: si senior Aziz: have you heard about that Grant:  Aziz: well, getting an interesting conversation with you this morning is like pulling teeth. do i need to come out there and open a can of Moroccan whoop ass on you? Grant: lol Aziz: BTW, here is a good subject to start on your blog Grant: I know almost nothing about the electoral college other than absolute basics Grant: I’m not bothered that a popular winner could lose in the electoral college, convince me that that is a problem and I’ll worry about tricks to get out from under it Aziz: oh, its how democracy gets put down and basically by paying off 2 reps of each state you can swing the vote Aziz: that was funny Grant: it’s whack-a-mole Grant: i don’t see that corruption any easier stopped than general corruption of the populace – all you are doing is taking the number of people to keep an eye on for corruption from a few hundred to a few hundred thousand Grant: to play devil’s advocate Aziz: indeed but its harder to pay a few hundred of thousands so there is a chance of a qualified win :). also note that i guess its just my opinion that if Wyoming throws a vote with hundred thousand people in the entire state how is that fair to CA, NY, IL….. which are the states that run the economy Aziz: come you fuckin liberal, lets open the discussion on the blog and see what kind of bites we get Aziz: :) Grant: lol it’ll be my assclown friends that dont’ know anything siding with you Grant: but sure I’ll post it Aziz: hey, i don’t mind if they are siding with me
Amanda asked me what this was all about. Aziz likes to argue that the electoral college system should be replaced with a direct popular vote. Thoughts? Btw, I didn’t really call all of you assclowns, I was mis-quoted. I swear.