The White Spots
Apple has either just now officially recognized or is extending it’s recognition and repair services for the White Spots disaster.
My powerbook serial number is in the range listed and exhibits the behavior detailed, I’ve just not wanted to part with it for the week or so it might take to be repaired. The time has come! I should have done it over vacation =/
UPDATE I sent it out yesterday and am usind a Dell Inspiron 4100 from the office. I put FreeBSD on it and am getting used to gnome2 again - not terrible, X has a few tricks I’ve always missed in Aqua.
Apple has a support page I can check for status, which I’ve of course been furiously refreshing all day.
DHL picked it up yesterday (1/6) afternoon around 4PM, it was bound for Texas. 01/07/2005 | Unit Received 01/07/2005 | Begin Repair 01/07/2005 | Begin Testing
Hopefully I’ll get it back Monday. :)