
Jef Raskin interview:

Most of the other computer science grad students had the opinion that there were those people who got it and those people who just don’t get it. But once I observed them working, I realize it was not the people who were having the problem, it was the fact that the way our computer systems were designed that was giving them all the problems, and the reason why the people got it got it was because they spent a lot of time learning all the intracacies of how they work. And I realized that we should be designing computer systems to make them easier to use and that was more important than what I was being taught in my computer science classes, such as how to make programs run in minimal time or minimal space and how to do those trade-offs. All of that is interesting and valuable. I used that inflational time in designing systems, but it was the interface that was clearly most at fault.

FL: And this was during the '60s right?

JR: Yeah, I graduated in '67.

computer illiterate people: It isn’t your fault.

power users: Applied free time is not ‘getting it’.

everyone else: Yes, this applies outside of computing as well.