What the fuck do we know?

We are adults, we don’t have to BLEEP.

Wired news picked up an article from the Huffington Post (which is running a where-are-we-now update on a two-year-old Salon article about a stupid movie), bemoaning society’s slippery slide into psuedo-pscience…

All of which, in my mind, goes a ways towards explaining the un- and pseudo-scientific thinking that seems to be on the rise in our culture. If we can’t trust studies, documentaries, talking heads, newspapers, the only thing we have left is our own experiences. Once upon a time, media of communication were tools to raise our eyes up from our individual experiences and focus on the larger concerns of a nation, a city, a cause. Now, all they do is leave us disgusted, pointing our eyes back down. It’s no wonder we don’t know any better.

Maybe I’m an optimist, but I don’t see this trend. My experience tells me actually that people today are a bit savier than their forefathers. No we can’t all be at the level of specialists in every field. And knowledge from some fields, especially those contrary to common sense or one’s upbringing, tend to be resisted. By all of us.