
, 4 min read

Simplepedia is a greasemonkey userscript that gives mediawiki sites a modern and clean design.

Wikipedia’s design and style is tiring and cluttered. There’s just too much going on!

Wikipedia front page

Wikipedia main page

Without the entire left bar, banner ads, footers, and tiny sans serif type, wikipedia is much more inviting.

Wikipedia front page

Wikipedia main page

Visit your about:config to chose the heading and body fonts you’d like Simplepedia to use. You can change the link colors too.

Wikipedia as an editor

Try it in Helvetica. Wikipedia in Helvetica

Or Wikipedia’s logotype, Hoefler Text. Wikipedia in Hoefler Text

And you can optionally display a drop down selection box to jump to the same article in other languages, hide edit and logon text, and more.

The script generically applies to any site built with the standard MediaWiki engine using the default theme, but works best on WikipediA.

This was inspired by Jon Hick’s excellent Helvetireader user script for Google Reader.

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