Wires Suck
I picked up a bluetooth keyboard this evening on the way home to use with my powerbook. :love:
I uh, get a lot of “wow you type really fast” from people. I don’t know why, I think it’s actually that I type really noisily, not necessarily quickly.
I type fastest on spring loaded old IBM KA-CHING KA-CHING ZING-ING-CHING keyboards and the like and when copying something already written. I got this keyboard because I like a full sized and in the corner Control key (Sorry Powerbook you are the best laptop kb evar but it’s just not good enough) with some separation between Caps Lock and A (vim hateses) that isn’t warm to the touch under my already sweaty palms. Oh, and 10-key is nice.
A few weeks ago I bought and never bloged about my new Airport Express. Get one if you use your laptop to listen to music like I did and was tired of being confined to the 20’ mini-stereo extension cable. It looks like wireless speaker extensions w/ amps are between 100 and 200 a pop, on the way.