
I was visited by Wowbagger the infintely prolonged this mornig on New York Ave near New Jersey. I was in the far right lane but we weren’t moving because a truck was blocking the entire lane and not moving. I waited for a gap and poped into the middle lane without cutting anyone off. I always give myself room to go back in instances like this because OfficeSpace style, the truck immediately got out of the way, the middle lane stopped and the lane I’d just bailed out of became the only lane moving. I put my signal on and waited out the stop-and-go for a gap.

The person behind me got cut off by a raving bearded lunatic in a Subaru Outback honking his horn over and over from the far left lane. This lunatic was now behind me beep beep beep. I waited for a gap to get in the right lane again and when I saw one coming, started to lunge – only this time lunatic behind me slammed into the gap at mach 2, nearly sideswiped my car, continued honking his horn and with the front end nosediving, almost hit the car in front of him.

Middle fingers were exchanged.

Idiot then noticed that he had 20’ to get into the far left lane (from the far right) or he’d miss getting on 395S and be stuck on Massachusets. I saw him cut off three more people before making it into the long line before I was too far away to see the asshat in my mirrors.

I love commuting.