
I just got back from visiting Amanda’s Grandparent’s for her her Grandfather’s 80th birthday party in Buffalo, Wyoming. Check it out:

Gilbert (Amanda’s grandfather) took us up to the pass of the Big Horn mountains, leaving a nice-but-dry sunny 70 degree morning at a tiring 6,000 feet above sea level for a chilly low 40’s elevation near 10,000 feet above sea level – from green grass to snow capped mountain. We spotted a few elk, a coyote, and plenty of deer.

Having only experienced the west third-hand through a bunch of poseur coyboy-hat wearing confedate-flag-waving southerners (and Back To The Future III), I can now heartily recommend a visit west.

Landing in Ohio, I felt revitalized by the humid air (and beer, after staying among teetotalers for two nights) and seeing the Capitol landing at National brought me home, where I had to move Amanda’s car from the left side of 15th to a prime spot on Euclid (with no power steering) because street-cleaning is tomorrow and we don’t want to get ticketed.